I have intentionally hesitated to address current global events. And while this article is not about COVID-19 specifically, it was inspired by what I’m sensing all around me during this pandemic. Spoiler Alert: This is a truly geeked-out article. Put
Recently I was asked about the concept of Karma. We often refer to Karma in casual conversation, even if we do not practice Buddhism or Hinduism, the two belief systems Westerners most commonly associate with the concept. So, what
The Afterlife: It’s Not a Retirement Village
The following discourse is taken from an email exchange I had recently with a client regarding the afterlife. Traditional religious imagery (and the significant emotional baggage it often brings with it) are sometimes difficult to reconcile when we are presented
Affirmation and Intention: Powerful Tools for Living and Giving
I have a dear friend. We met in a stand-up comedy class, which taught us both some valuable lessons about writing, performing and the nature of the business. It was a great experience, to be sure. But it paled in
Recently I had a phone conversation with someone I think of as both a friend and colleague. In what has become fairly commonplace, I first “met” him via Facebook, as a “friend of a friend,” meaning that we’d never actually met, but