A medium is a person who has the gift of communicating with the spirits of those who have passed before us, and sometimes other spirit-beings who never had physical form.
Mediums possess one or more of the “Clairs“. Three of the most common “Clairs” are:
Clairvoyance – the ability to see psychic information.
Clairaudience – the ability to hear psychic information.
Claircognizance – the ability to know psychic information.
Based on my personal experiences, research and feedback from others, I would fall mostly into the categories of Claircognizance, with Clairvoyance and Clairaudience being secondary.
One exception is when I channel my spirit guide, who calls himself Charles. When I am channeling, I am using my psychic abilities.
(All mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are mediums, by the way.)
All of my abilities manifest spontaneously; I never know in advance how I will communicate with a particular spirit. It depends on many factors, including how closely I am “in-tune” with a particular spirit (vibrational frequency), my general state of health, as well as the spirit’s general state of health. (Yes – spirits can be weak or strong, eager or reluctant, etc.)
It’s important to note that spirits cannot be consistently summoned at will. Although we are never really alone when it comes to the spirit world, they don’t always have something to say to us. Spirits look over us; sometimes silently.
When sitting with a medium for a reading, you must accept that the messages which come through may not be from the spirit you had hoped to hear from. If you went to a party you wouldn’t expect to have a personal audience with only one person for the evening.
The same principle applies to the spirit world.
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