Occasionally, a medium will encounter a spirit who is unknown or totally forgotten to the client. It isn’t common, but in my experience I’d estimate that between five and ten percent of the spirits I encounter could be deemed as party-crashers.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Sometimes.
In a typical medium-querent encounter the medium begins to sense and communicate with spirits connected to the querent. (Click here to open “What is a Medium?” in a separate window.)
Spirits who desire to communicate with someone – anyone – are drawn to the medium as if they have a flashing red beacon on their head. This aids the process of getting the reading off to a good start. But sometimes, spirits who are not connected to the querent see the flashing beacon and decide to come forward, for a variety of reasons, including:
- The spirit believes (and in some cases knows) that the medium has access to a specific person in the physical realm and wants to get a message to them.
- The spirit is in a state of limbo (not fully crossed-over) and is confused or seeking assistance.
- The spirit wants to contact the querent, who in turn is connected to someone in the physical realm who is connected to the spirit. Yes, that one is confusing, but here’s an example: The medium is working with the querent, John Doe, who is married to Jane Doe, whose first husband died. The first husband is trying to get through to Jane via John, via the medium. Fun, huh?
- The spirit is connected to the querent, but not from the current lifetime. I will not delve deeply into the concept of “Soul Clusters” in this post, but if you want to read some truly amazing books that deal with that topic, click here to be taken (in a separate window) to my Resources Page, which has links to books by Michael Newton, PhD.
In short, the “party-crasher” spirit may have traveled with the querent in other lifetimes, but not this one.
To my way of thinking, any of the examples above could be positive experiences for the querent and/or the spirit who crashes the party. Granted, there could be some frustration or confusion along the way, but in my personal experience the positive outcome has usually outweighed the annoyance.
Before I sign off, I would like to ask my readers to please tell your friends and family about me, and about this blog. I need to increase both my readership and my client base. Word of mouth is highly effective for someone like me. I appreciate the positive responses I’ve received since I left the corporate world to follow this path, and in order to continue following it I need to keep the momentum going.
Have a wonderful day, everyone!
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