I have been reminded recently of certain topics that nearly always come up during a reading.
The client, also referred to as the “querent” (from the Latin quærēns, “seeker”) tends to ask one or more of the following questions:
“Is ____________ okay?”
“Is ____________ happy?”
“Does _________ hear me talk to them?”
Perfectly normal, reasonable questions you’d ask about anyone you care about, whether they are in the physical world or if they’ve crossed-over.
There’s another question that seems to come out fairly regularly, and it comes from the spiritual realm just as often as it does from the physical:
“Does ______________ forgive me?”
There is a common assumption that once we cross-over we automatically absolve everyone who has wronged us. My conversations with both spirits and my spirit guide, Charles, have indicated that forgiveness is indeed more forthcoming on the other side.
But it isn’t automatic, and there is a question that many on this side don’t ever think to ask:
“Did ________________ cross all the way over?”
Perhaps the example most of us are familiar with is “haunted houses.” I put that term in quotes not because I don’t accept their existence, but because not every “haunted house” is really haunted. But I digress…
In a true “haunted house,” there are spirit inhabitants who have not fully crossed over to the place of evaluation, resolution, education, etc.
Instead, the spirit remains earth-bound. There are many possible reasons, but one of the most common is that the spirit in question believes they have “unfinished business.”
Sometimes, this “unfinished business” is the spirit’s belief that it must stay to look after friends and/or family members it left behind. Despite the altruistic nature of this belief, it still holds the spirit back. Often, the remedy for this is to keep talking to the spirit, thanking them for caring so much about us, and telling them repeatedly that they can go on; that we will miss them but that we will be okay.
But occasionally, the spirit harbors deep negative emotions towards someone in the physical realm whom they believe (or know) has wronged them. Another tragic possibility is that the spirit knows they were the one who wronged someone they left behind, and their guilt prevents them from moving forward on their journey.
Forgiveness is the key.
If you have wronged someone and they cross-over, and they tell you (or the medium) that they have crossed all the way over and are starting their new journey, it’s pretty safe to say that they have forgiven you. Still, you should openly ask for forgiveness. It will help lighten your heart.
If someone has wronged you and they cross-over, and they ask you (or the medium) for forgiveness, they probably require that before they can continue their journey.
And here’s where forgiveness becomes a two-way street:
The act of forgiveness, performed in the spirit realm, allows the spirit to move on by releasing their anger, and helps those in the physical realm begin healing, so that when they cross-over, they won’t be held back by their own guilt.
The act of forgiveness, performed in the physical realm, allows the spirit to release their guilt and move forward, while at the same time it allows those in the physical realm to release their anger, so when they cross-over, they won’t be held back by their own hatred.
Bottom line: if at all possible, forgive one-another while you’re both on this side of the veil.
You’ll be happy you did.
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Photo: Tegula
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I’m more aware nowadays than ever before that life is truly about ENERGY – and how challenging it can be to keep our own energies clean! So many current events have been stirring our emotions collectively and individually that it becomes overwhelming, and I frequently think of how my departed parents would react to so-&-so doing such-&-such… I keep reminding myself to take deep breaths of gratitude that they’re not here to witness all this stuff hitting the fan – but then I sense that perhaps they ARE still around, watching the show! And that soothes me somehow.
Thank you for your always-provocative post, Jeff – it’s reassuring and comforting as I continue to forgive myself and everyone else for our confusion and all-too-human flaws. And thanks to Charles for inspiring and enlightening you to share these insights with us here. ❤️💙💜
Thank you for your continued support and feedback, Marilyn!