Before I toddle off to bed I wanted to offer a follow-up to my previous post regarding my possibly picking up on spirit chatter from the Malaysian Airlines crash in Ukraine.
I had a “waking vision” that was rather disturbing, both physically and emotionally. I was in a small seat, surrounded by others in small seats. I looked forward and just as I focused on the people in the front row, I saw a flash of light enter the space, at approximately 45 degrees, from the lower left side of the floor, and up through the space we occupied.
Then, I heard (for the first time) a single voice, immediately to my right, say, “Oh, no… .”
And then, as the vision went dark, I felt a profound sense of falling.
Even now, I cannot say with 100% certainty that I bore witness, psychically, to the Malaysian Airlines crash, because no spirit has come through and said so.
My guide, Charles, has only been willing to confirm that I have seen something “tangible,” that I am “on the right track” and has stepped back to allow me to experience this on my own.
(He’s like that, and always has been. I seldom get any direct answers from him. His method of helping is to force me to delve deeper, and in turn strengthen my abilities.)
To my readers who use (or believe they have) their own psychic/mediumistic gifts, I would encourage you to keep a pencil and paper by the bedside. When you wake up, jot down whatever you can remember. Not everything is going to be a prophetic dream. Not everything is going to be a visit from a spirit.
Regardless, you will grow from the experience of recalling your sleep state.
And whatever you do, don’t shy away from your intuition. It’s a gift.
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