So, I had been putting the final touches on a post about quantum mechanics <!> and the future. (And how we are capable of, and responsible for, writing that future).
I’ll be posting that shortly, but I wanted to share with you something rather remarkable that happened just today. And in its own way, it also points towards taking responsibility for writing the future.

During an online reading today, my client’s mother came through. She mentioned that my client’s father was “tuned-in” to the conversation but could not directly participate because he had offered his services as a “greeter” to many of the unfortunate victims of COVID-19 who are crossing over.

This doesn’t mean that other spirits, related to the departed in some fashion or another, weren’t there, as well. The reason for having a designated “greeter” is apparently to help calm spirits who didn’t know they were going to be arriving.  And those spirits are confused, frightened and restless.

As my client’s mother put it, “There’s a ripple in the pond, and everyone here can feel it”.
I would argue that we’re feeling it here, as well. Both literally and figuratively.

I can only attempt to put myself in the shoes of a soul that didn’t expect to leave the physical world.
Perhaps the individual felt under the weather but not severely ill. And within days, perhaps less, they are being placed in medical comas and intubated. Some recover, some don’t.
Imagine transitioning unexpectedly, without preparation, to a new and different world. It could be unsettling, to say the least.
In the spirit realm, these emotions, like spirits themselves, are energy.
And that energy radiates outward, forming ripples in what had formerly been a fairly calm pond.

Now multiply that by tens of thousands, or more.

In the big picture, an event such as this will likely influence many spirits to return, sooner than later, as scientists, healers and policy makers in order to help prevent future pandemics, or at least adequately predict and control them. But if they all reincarnated tomorrow, it would still be 25-30 years before they would have a viable opportunity to act on behalf of humanity.

In the meantime, each of us has the opportunity and responsibility to carefully consider our personal health and safety choices and our choices in government at all levels.
All around the world we have seen abundant evidence of bureaucratic dysfunction, disinformation and willful ignorance.

To stop the “ripples in the pond” on the other side we need to first stop the ripples on ours.

Please feel welcome to comment below.

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© 2020 Jeff McKeehan. All rights reserved.

Photo credit: Rudy and Peter Skitterians

Ripples in the Pond
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7 thoughts on “Ripples in the Pond

  • at

    Thank you, Jeff. Might this explain why I can’t seem to feel my son as closely as I have been able to up to the last couple of weeks or so? It would be just like him…always wanting to run toward the problems of his fellow humans. Maybe he is dispatched as a greeter during this time of the pandemic. To the larger point you are making, I totally agree. We need to do a better of job of curtailing the ripples here on this side of the astral plane. That’s a large order, but we can make a difference…one person at a time.

    • at

      Thanks for your comments!
      Given what I know of your son, it wouldn’t surprise me if he was on the “front lines”, as it were.
      Stay safe and stay inside. Hopefully you’ll be able to adapt your support group to work in a videochat format, such as Zoom.

  • at

    Jeff. this is amazing. so glad you are sharing it with me since I am such a believer.
    I am also wondering why…some of the physics don’t get notice of these things, unless
    it was MEANT to happen. I congratulate those spirits that want to come back even
    if its 35 years. maybe then I might..right now I don’t have any plans. I want to just
    visit other worlds like my Uncle Otto, or my mom loving the tulips!!! We need to get
    you out in the world more…so you can hear more stories…glad you set up this website!!!

    • at

      Hi, Judy!
      Psychics and mediums do sometimes have premonitions, but rarely do we receive detailed, advanced notice of a catastrophe, unless it is occurring in every single parallel timeline.
      The reason for this (and I’ll be discussing this in an upcoming post) is that we (all of us) have a hand in writing the future. The possible future outcomes are visible to spirits, but even they rarely know for sure exactly what is going to happen next.

  • at

    ok. I will leave another comment. I left one…see above.

    but…I think there are people who really don’t want to die. in fact most..
    rather then like me…I would go tomorrow if I could

  • at

    Fascinating, Jeff! Thank you for writing this.
    It makes me wonder a lot… Do you think that all the death in WWII led to the peace and love movement of the late 60’s and early 70’s?

    • at

      I believe it’s highly possible, but I have not been given any specific information regarding that era. I have been informed that the Spanish Flu pandemic directly resulted in the return of spirits who had chosen to create better medicines and medical technologies.

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